fuh dh 2-3 ari aku duk usha pasal krabi,thailand....korang search je la sendiri aku semua psl krabi
ikut plan aku terbang ke sn 3/8/09 lamb lagi...booking dh tiket tpnye .ms promosi rm 0 fare aritu,13th nov '08 utk fly ke krabi next year tp xcited gile. depart 3th August '09 Krabi flight AK 804 12.05pm samp 6th August '09
aku dh buat reservation hotel kenkonon.yela selalunye bile ngan opis semua dh sedia..hotel,makan dh siap sedia..bas pengangkutan le ape la...dh ready so skang aku kena la survey2 dulu ape yg ptt.sudah nye aku decide je sendiri hotel ni..yg lain aku nye member nk pi holiday ni redha je...ni la pilihan aku THE GRENEERY HOTEL @ Krabi town.aku rasa worth it je 3 mlm rm255 utk 3 org include si kenit.ok la kan...hehe korang usha la sendiri eik..tp aku rs mcm xbape nk sabar tunggu bln august tu...
esok aku updated lg....ciow :)
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
wah best nyer..g krabi...
sabo kak iewa..kejap je ms tu berlalu..
pejam celik da 08/09..
p/s: pigi sane jgn lupe beli ole2 utk juju :D
erm cam best eik...xsabar siot...okes nnt ada cengkerang akak kutip bg kat juju key :P
hi,can we exchange our banner,if u dont have banner i still can post yur link,please let me know after it done.thank
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